weeks after my previous entry, and I'm happy to say that things are
going very well with Kosbaar! The pesty mange appears to be something
of the past, but we're still spraying her weekly with a preventative
dip to make sure it does not return. Her hair is growing out nicely,
and the few places that still looks 'spotty', are getting less
obvious. As you look at the following images and videos, see how her
appearance has changed over time. And perhaps it would be
a good thing to look at her earlier images, from the time we found
her, now almost 4 months ago.
we took her to the vet for her check-up last week, she was pleasantly
surprised at her progress. She had gained another 5 kg, which
makes it a total of at least 10 kg of flesh and muscle that she has
put on since we'd found her (after having taken her initial
dehydration into consideration, and allowing about 2.7 kg for that).
energy has no bounds! Every mealtime she literally hops and twirls
around as she accompanies us to her bowl!
while ago she started pulling washing off the wash-line. We got
confirmation for that, when we checked our security cameras. She had
deliberately jumped up and pulled several pieces off the line, and
then played with it like a cat with a mouse ... Gave her a stern
talking, and she looked rather apologetic. After the
3rd wash-line episode, and another very serious talk, it
did not happen again. We do hope she's now over it!
made her a toy by plaiting strips of old cloth, and she rather
enjoyed playing with it, but soon lost interest again. It seems like
she only likes to play with it if one of us plays along! She
also lost interest in the hooves we bought her to chew on ...
a stage I thought she was slowing down as far as her eating speed was
concerned, but I was mistaken. She regularly still seems to almost
attack her bowl of food, as if she hadn't been fed for days. She
gobbles her food down, and barely chews. All that time while she had
struggled to survive, seems to have made a permanent impact on
her. She still has two big meals a day, and now I'm trying
to cut down on the 3rd meal,
middle of the day, by slowly replacing it with snacks. Gradually I
want to phase that out, because we cannot go away from home for more
than a few hours, as leaving her with a large bowl of extra food
won't be good. She'll probably eat herself into a stupor.
weeks ago my 5-year-old granddaughter visited, and at a stage we were
blowing bubbles. My daughter managed to capture Kosbaar while she
jumped up and grabbed a rather big bubble with her mouth! I must add
that it was the only one she got hold of, before losing interest in
them. Perhaps it was the taste of that bubble that put her off! :-)
now she has learned to sit, and is quite good at it. But we're trying
to teach her not to jump up against us. She is heavy, and can easily
hurt someone if she does that, especially as she appears to do so in
a rather clumsy way. We also don't want her to annoy visitors. She
frequently wants to give us her paw to hold – I guess we can call
it "her default". This is such a nice gesture of hers, but
her paw comes down hard and heavy if one happens to be in its way,
and she can easily hurt someone that way. We'll have to work on that
somehow, without crushing her friendly spirit.
fun (for both her and us) to have her catch her snacks, whether it is
an apple core, or a pellet.
days ago was a landmark for Kosbaar. We took her for her very first
walk outside our yard. It went much better than we'd anticipated, but
when dogs charged towards their own gate as we were passing by on the
other side of the road, we had difficulty restraining her. She still
needs quite a bit of training!
10 August 2018